Does he really want to start a pissing contest with Katrina statistics?
I'm going to laugh my ass off if Tennessee goes 5-1 and UF goes 4-2 by mid-November and needs that game to clinch.
In a just world where the SEC is a competent and non-corrupt organization, yes. In the real world, Foley would run to the nearest camera and play...
If Sankey wants this game played on the 19th so badly, then he does it on our terms. Which should include, at a minimum, SEC compensation for all...
Get ready for an even bigger shit show when we search for Mike VII. The Advocate already has a story about the friendly progressives at the...
The most damning part IMO is that what we saw last night....was basically Les and Cam's offense, just run competently. Playcalling that exploited...
Why is it that recognizing the fact that many of our problems have to deal with Bama automatically invalidates anything that follows from it?...
Miles has more leverage now than he's had at any point since 2011. Why wouldn't he keep his cronies around to milk the last drops out of the cow?...
LOL, since when has Jindal cared about the higher ed budget? He's known for years that higher ed gets a second bite at the shit sandwich every...
Alexander is small potatoes. He can be canned by the BoS at any time. If Edwards gets an earful from the money people, he can apply enough...
Harris was Cam's recruit. There's nothing about his lack of progress that even recommends Cameron to be QBs coach.
Cameron's contract is up in March. This just sounds like we're going to squeeze everything out of him with the players he's recruited.
Unfortunately for Alleva, the BoS can't fire Shaq, Dale Brown and Collis Temple
I often wonder if a lot of our QB development problems stem from a post-2008 culture where it's hammered into their heads not to make mistakes and...
For now. When we get the 2016 version of "same shit, different year", we'll see how many people join in on the "We want Les" chants.
Amazing what kind of rabbits you can pull out of your giant train conductor hat when you think your job is on the line.
And our coaches have deliberately placed him in a system that he is poorly equipped to run, negates one of his key attributes and practically sets...