I really like BJ Ojalari - he's always out there making plays
I blame the coaches, not the kid.
We finally crossed the 50
Finally moving the ball a little
I hope so
Are we playing mostly freshman?
That's a wind problem today. Atkins is gold
We have made 1 first down so far, right?
Max is already struggling. Usually he starts out good and then falls apart
This is going to be ugly I am afraid
This is what I wonder about. Do we get rid of him now and get someone who can hopefully keep team together or do we hang on another month or so...
Thats what we are saying on our forum
Aggies just picked off Bama in end zone. lol
Oh I didnt take offense at all. All is good!
It most likely was if your temp got that high. Mine got to 103.5. I got the monoclonal antibodies which helped knock my fever out. I was out of...
Fair enough and answers my question enough as well
You can't root against your team.....no matter what
What is the story with the divorce that you have heard?
Well, they certainly won't be "in shape" in a week or 2.