Yep, I was bummed to find all our hangouts gone when I was up there for our last SECCG. But I got to spend quality time with batgirl and her Mom...
Yea, I've seen it all over. Only the letters on the hat change, and the colors. I really liked this logo too until I saw how widespread it is....
On my last trip I saw that Mako's and all the 25ยข draft places had been bull-dozed. Now I see that ESPNZone is closed, wussup with that?...
The first thing I'm looking for is protection for JJ. If he gets confidence in his OL then it's all over for the tarballs.
Re: Fall Weddings I skipped a cousin's wedding for a home game against A&M in '91 or '92. She didn't speak to me for a year or so. But I...
ooh, psycho tiger, I like. He might need some Crest Whitestrips though, probly too much Community dark roast....
Bingo, this is my position on JJ also. When it comes to last season JJ has taken a great deal of blame that should have gone to the OL. I'm...
Re: Georgia Dome This would have been useful info a few years ago, back when I was a much less reputable person.
Re: Georgia Dome Cheap hotels can be had at the airport, I went that route twice. Once we were obviously at the end of a runway, the whole...
A tulane fan husband? hmmm, you probly stand a heckuva chance of gettin off with a verbal.
bassards :angryfire
Very sad news, I'll send my condolences.