god we suck
..GO TO HELL MISSISSIPPI STATE ps...GO WITH THEM ARKANSAS (there ..i made it lsu relevant :lol:
i think i just heard all the members of woopig jump off the building
for the love of god hold on to the damn thing Jemarcus Russel
4th and 10 so much for the casey dick hype
Time to see just how prepared ark. is 2 minute drill..no timeouts
its amazing how I can go from cussing russel one week to loving him the next
this is why i love sec football
casey dick just got his bell rung
damn....my little cousin's 8th grade team plays better kickoff coverage
just send her to the grove...i will find her
someone send me that little cheerleader they just showed
hang on to the damn ball
Stuff them coonass frickers! yeah baby! DAMMMMMIT I WISH I WAS THERE!! ahaha...best quote from that board I just went there for the...
I never thought Id hear this come out of my devoted Ole Miss Mouth but:geauxtige
that just aint right
only if you are nothingface..it has to be white:wink: