And sometimes I want a refund!
I think Brady helped the receiver Corp more than anything. His use of “out of the box” drills helped those guys tremendously. CEH can be thankful...
What I can’t understand is how we let Devonte get out of Louisiana.
Merry Christmas everyone!!!
I just want whoever we get to want to coach at LSU. Let O do what he does best and recruit the best talent. Let the Coordinators and position...
I used to get so frustrated with O line play when Les was here. It did not make any since that it was always next year because we didn't have...
@shane0911 So what are the top tier schools doing to keep their level of competition up and why are we not following suit?
Thanks @Don Castavez and same to you and yours!
@shane0911 I'm questioning his depth of development not so much the loss of Sr’s. He’s been here long enough to develop depth to avoid this kind...
Leach protege would be good for the passing game.
Graham Harrell?
I certainly am not accusing him of any wrong doing at any time. I too will give him the benefit of the doubt unless proven otherwise, just not...
Do a search on the top active coaches and you will back up what you say. All deal with the same crap every year and coaches like Dabo, Saban,...
I am just not a fan of O, probably never will be. I think his heritage is a great compliment to being a coach at a Louisiana school, I just think...
He does not need to be inspired by the idiots fans but by the 8 million dollars a year he is paid. Second only to Saban in money but still can't...
I think it’s the only way to get out clean. He won us a championship and we are grateful so pay him for his work and get him away from this...
And who’s fault is that? O has been here long enough that we should be at least two deep if not 3 at these positions. Ohio St. won a NC with a...
O needs to fall on the sword for the ncaa and work out a reasonable buy out for such.
I went to a couple of relay conferences there, it was always a nice trip except for the hopper plan from Houston or Dallas.
I’m still a I allowed to post that, because I don’t know what’s proper these days. I think we should clean the cupboard from the top...