They did and I would love to see the RebelBears beat the Longhorns. Mack will be looking for a uhaul if that happens. Got to pull for the SEC!!
I agree we keep putting up W's and playing like LSU has so far and we will be just fine. What we have here is special and there is plenty of...
I second what Lasalle said a TIGER win always makes us feel better!
You are correct I have a lot of respect for UAB hospital(my mother had her cancer surgery and treatment there) so I figured a good steak in honor...
I got 6 of the prettiest bone in ribeyes about 2.5 inches thick just waiting for halftime enjoyment! Not to mention the 2 bottles of Pinot Noir I...
There are more skinny people up north because the food sucks, women are ugly and their football teams suck. They are some miserable MF's. Just a...
Bet he is rockin that WAL- MART national championship hat and shirt just like 50K other "BAMER FANS" in his Fleetwood doublewide! Hell he has...
Louisville in 5 weeks may not even break the top 10 while being undefeated. Bridgewater is a dang good QB and they have a great O but playing one...
I can not wait to see Loston deliver a bone crushing hit on one of those Horny Amphibians
Don't forget Tunsil at LT the Rebels better get that D together but what a great game to watch!
In the little video I have seen from practice I think Blue and Hillard are both going to be awesome. Throw Hill in the mix and I would hate to be...
With a name like Rambo how could he not be :p
I sure like what I hear out of him so far he my be a big recruiter for us!
Good luck to him. His dad sure was fun to watch throwing to Mr. Rice!
Something about a woman using that word that is super hot!
O hell yea welcome to DBU!!!
[quote="fanatic, post: 1339977, member: 2695"]Yep, and you know what bothers me most about it. As Jizz Ramsey is going for his knee, there's a...
Either way long way until signing day lets not forget that.