They are killin' me I can't take it. OMG
Come on D!!! :geaux::geaux::geaux::geaux::geaux:
OK. I withdraw my earlier diagnosis of Panic Disorder for Jarrett Lee. I think we have a full fledged Mulitple Personality Disorder. 1st...
Complete implosion. Please God, let this be rock bottom.
At least with JJ, we've got a QB who still has a little fire in his belly. Instead of the panic attack going on in his head. Lee =...
The problem with Lee, at this point, is he has become a complete "head case". He has totally folded under the pressure and I am convinced he has a...
I think I just won money on the football board for "what quarter the first pick 6 will occur". I had expected the first quarter to take it.
What's up with Holiday's ball handling this year?
Anyone else notice this? Nice. Really, really nice.:insane: [IMG]
I expected to see rough spots with our offense being led by Lee and Hatch. But Jeezus!!! ..... I didn't expect anyone to score 51 freakin' points...
He reminded me a bit of Dalton Hilliard, the way he just lowered his shoulder and kept those legs churning, tacklers hanging off him. I'd like to...
"Excuse me, sir. Did someone at this table order the Xanax lunch special? Here ya go. Let us know if you need anything else.":wave:
So was your freakin' son in the broadcast booth editing for ESPN... because that is the same shot they repeatedly aired right after the blown...
Re: WWL siting inside sources from LSU/ story - merged threads Bottom line is this. We can't trust him to stay away from trouble....
Re: WWL siting inside sources from LSU/ story - merged threads I heard he was seen in a local pet store picking up 4 pit bulls and a...
Famous Diogenes moment. On one bright, clear day, Diogenes was walking up and down the market place, holding a lighted lantern high in front of...
What a team!!!!!!!!! What heart!!!!!!!!!!! What a coach!!!!!!!! What cajones!!!!!!!! I'm exhausted. Must go drink....
Complete Freakin' Ripoff. I love my Tigers but it really hacks me off to see them take advantage of that to the point of gouging. That price IS...
Excuse my bad...... just realized he's playing. someone had told me he was hurt.