This looks more like a lack of mental preparation to me. Somebody needs to light their ass up at halftime.
Can't believe we're letting them run around, through and over our defense. Holy crap.
Crappy coverage by ESPN. WTF? Lose the talking head and cover the game! And then not even the courtesy of a full replay.
Shrimp and corn soup. Yum.
Good to know he ain't gowna laaaahhh to us. :rofl::rofl::rofl: There are lots of things you should never.... ever...... do when your blood alcohol...
I see your point. But the very fact that the kicker is in contention for the award pretty much says it all doesn't it? In a normal year the very...
JJ has earned the start. He should get it. It's more than the numbers. The team played for him. Not as well as I would have liked but better...
Hester was never afraid to take a hit. He played with absolute abandon. Lee played in absolute panic. I vote no on that. I think the Colt...
Re: Sarah Palin School of Public Speaking His version of "you betcha"?:D Seriously, I always get a little nervous when they start interviewing...
Is it just me or did Les graduate from the Sarah Palin School of Public Speaking? I mean, I like the man, but crap it's hard to follow him when...
Damn, that's a cute baby. Thanks for easing my pain.
Willie Martinz of Georgia may have just become available for DC. I think he excused himself at the end of the third quarter today to freshen up...
Yea. Let's hire him. We need more drunken, woman beating coaches on our staff. To my knowledge, we have none now and we all know how important...
I don't think it's time for head coaching change. The Co DC's for sure needs to go. There may even be an argument for Crowton to go. But not...
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Not just a little cement. Like a whole reenforced foundation... rebar and all. And maybe one shoe has more than...
But did he? I'm not so sure he did. I agree that players should not be publicly humiliated. But in the absence of leadership by the players...
I'll tell you what was confirmed. We don't have an "effin" leader anywhere on this team. Lee never took command. He seemed to live in a...
Thanks. I'm going to start drinking at noon so I'll be ready.
I missed the whole last quarter due to work. If anyone knows a way for me to see that, please post. I'm already sick but I just have to see it...
The Fat Lady... That could be the third of J. Lee's multiple personalities. If you see him singing, we'll know.