To be fair, I don't gamble. If there was any even vague proof provided it would have been higher. Just hard to slander a guy based on nothing but...
Dunno if you've watched OU much. He hired Grinch as DC which was a very good hire by him. He was destroyed by us in 2019, but that was entirely a...
That's tough, Shane. I mean they named the girls. That's crazy to me, but the guy claimed she sent it to him on snapchat. Easily could be a guy...
You're right. I actually give O full credit still for 2019. He made the hires of Bill Busch which got us Burrow and he listened to E about Joe...
The talent gap between OU and the SEC is a massive chasm. Massive. The guys that bump up their class rankings are all on offense. Coming here he...
That's a possibility with any hire. I don't make a coaching hire fearing them going home. I want to hire a guy everyone wants to steal. That's the...
Think you could add Jeff Hafley whom I really like as well as Matt Campbell. Add Jamey Chadwell to that list. Throw in Neal Brown, too. I still...
lol I love the fact you're basically bragging about your predictions. We shouldn't have lost to anyone based on the quality of the opposition so...
The girl in question has an incredible figure and is extremely attractive. A ten on any scale. You're the head coach at LSU. You can get what you...
It changes, so my opinion doesn't mean much. Like I really liked him at first, but then his row the boat thing is apparently not a gimmick. That's...
O gets credit for Burrow. Had nothing to do with him. Bill Busch was on staff with Joe Burrow at Ohio State.. when O was looking for a qb, Busch...
By the transitive property you guys are like 30 points better than LSU after last week and last night.
Has anyone actually researched Fickell? He has gone on record as saying he was an incredibly young coach then, he didn't really want the job, he...
Yeah, like Russ was an analyst last year but in the end of the year when Max came on and the offense started rolling you could see Russ Callaway...
LSU with Les beat his ass with Tebow before Saban was a problem. You gumps claim it was all Saban who ran him out but he had to play us every year...
I actually like you, but I don't hide my frustrations with you when you ignore logic and reason. Hey man I thought Corrall was gonna ball out...
Callaway was coaching for us as an analyst last year. We've muddied that line before. But what analysts are technically allowed to do is coach the...
She's a student trainer thus he's in a position of power. It's no different than a professor banging his teacher's assistant or an office manager...
Guys. Ensminger is still around. He's an analyst. He's involved..
You are a sunshine pumper and a contrarian, and unfortunately not terribly self aware. We accept that you are these things but the fact you don't...