I am NOT saying WVU will win but they always seem to play SEC teams very well. It will be a very hard fought game and I will not be surprised if...
I been saying it. s
I know JJ is a good athlete and can make all the throws. I am saying he is not smart enough to grasp the playbook. That is the reason the coaches...
lol the playcalling is tentative no doubt.............Its because the QB cant run the freaking offense
The reason he can throw the ball a little better on a roll out is because he only has to see half the field (thus half the playbook also)
JJ isnt Phucking up because the coaches are protecting him with the dumbed down playcalling. Cant you see this?
Les must have forgotten the UNC game cause they threw it all over LSU
The kid is just not smart enough to ask a lot of him.
what do you mean if its true. You just heard the announcer say that CLM told him that they SIMPLIFIED the offense this week for JJ
Playcalling is horrible because JJ cant run the offense. CLM is going to let JJ take his job
funny! JJ is in the game so the coaches have to dumb the game down.
They dumbed the playbook down so much that now they cant score a TD. Unbelievable
put Lee in the damn game so you can call some decent plays!
I hate that stupid play
BT almost threw a awesome block on that return. soo close
need some touchdowns.
nice pick!
thank you
3rd and 11 and you throw a pass into a busted middle screen a good call?
did yall see where that pass was going? piss poor