I went to the last scrimmage the week school started. We had to sit in the northeast corner. The new clublevel and pressbox are impressive. At...
I'll just wait and see where Jim Cantore shows up
My woody goes 2 years back. I've said for 2 years the guy doesn't touch the ball enough. Some say 15 - 16 carries tops. Try him with 20+ and...
10 hours by air vs 20 hours by car How is that better off?
Was $304 about 15 minutes ago. They've caught on.
Excellent advice. I wish someone would have told me in advance. We had a guy with us that could do it in about 2 minutes. Last season he didn't...
Whats the evac orders so far? I live in Baton Rouge but am in Memphis right now. Going hom tomorrow. Not worried about an evac in BtR but...
Re: N. Texas may just have to wait I'm shocked it took you this long to respond to this.......... I figured you'd have full blow analysis...
Get another beer. You've got the nightshift.
I do have to say i got a chuckle when the guy asked Miles about how he liked his crawfish and Miles said he liked it in etouffee and proceeded to...
Flexing your muscles? :shock:
I'm sure you wouldn't make it up. But you've got enough kool-aid in ya to get a little over zealous.
If your gonna quote him quote him right. He responded "In 10 Days" To "When do you think your team will be ready" Stop makin crap up
Overrated: Texass If they don't sneak into the BCS last year and then squeak out a win they are much less hyped. Vince Young still hasn't...
Interesting look, thanks. Something i just thought about while looking at those pictures. Lights? I assume they just attach to the back of...
I remember John Copeland for one thing. And maybe a lurking Bama fan can chime in to make sure i got this right. Leading up to that NC game...
Recruit Tirk as your host or co-host. He's got the radio voice. plus a good knowledge of sports. I don't know him but I hear him on Ott's show.
bring a checkbook if you're gonna tend to the woman....she's expensive.....god have i learned.
I left out......In Celebration. But i'm game for buying a few rounds. I'll be across the street from Ivar's....the guy toting around the 3...
Cutcliffe is QB coach. Mike Haywood is Offensive Coordinator. http://und.collegesports.com/sports/m-footbl/mtt/nd-m-footbl-mtt.html#coaches