Dude, the only thing you know about ACA is "Obama Sucks."
Speak up or shut up.
A pitiful judge, I suspect. I don't support Qatar, I'm educating you about it because you make a lot of blind assumptions. So what? The point was...
Try to make some fucking sense.
I'm a pretty big movie buff. The first thee films were genuine classics I never get tired of. The last three were disappointing and not very good....
Don't get what?
Fair question. I'm not sure I know, but as I understood it at the time, medicaid provides free or low-cost coverage to people and families with...
You are quite incorrect. There are a lot of poor muslims without educations around the world, just as in America. But those that wish to learn can...
Your sad attempt at character assassination is transparent. And almost a decade old. You characterize things wrongly about an article that calls...
I have never watched a minute of it. I do not get the zombie apocalypse fantasies.
It's not a lot different than a ponytail. When you wear your hair long, sometimes you have to get it out of the way. Shane has no experience with...
Not too many actually and they can vote for Sanders. Enjoy.
When you keep making comments and then keep trying to answer for me, it only reveals the lack of substance in your argument. I don't have to...
Thank you for the meaningless anecdote.
Stop the presses! A right-wing former judge that is now a paid FOXNews analyst has a "gut feeling" that Hillary is "bad". I'm shocked. Shocked, I...
So you make a comment and then you offer my response to it? That is sadly pathetic debate technique and you really suck at being me. And it won't...
Why in the world would you imagine that? Republicans aren't going to vote for a democrat anyway, but Obama could turn out the blacks, the...
But he's not Asian, how would he fit in? :D
Well, this African-American is a muslim, and he doesn't share the Euro-centric notions of European-Americans. The national science academy is a...
It's not an either-or situation. You can look out for yourself on personal matters and still recognize we're all in this together on our national...