When has that ever happened? Did monkeys fly out of your ass? California does not have a gun ban law! I'm OK with any citizen on either side of...
No, one or both could be mistaken. Clinton, in an early statement mentioned that they were investigating a "possible" relation to the video riots....
That's what I thought, amigo. More of the same unsubstantiated allegations. Come back when you have some evidence.
You should have had a better response ready, then.
The dumbasses changed it to the "American Heroes Channel" . . . as if military history never happened without an American Hero. Alexander the...
You asked a rhetorical question so that you could spin a little tale of children and a cookie jar. Charming. If you want to get serious about...
What do you think? Ya' got a point? Why do you fear what Californians want to do in California? It's a free country, you don't have to live there....
They are everybody's rights and nobody has made this claim. I think you want government control only when it pleases you.
No, I just blow up your endless right-wing links with real facts. You hate that, don't you. And naive, as well. You heap scorn on anything she...
What I see here is a predisposition to believe someone is a liar in the absence of any evidence. Suit yourself. I'm kind of reality based.
Monkeys could fly out of your butt, too.
A good quarterback will make our weak-covering linebackers pay for excessive blitzing.
He blew at least one. And Beckwith had short coverage that he blew and left a receiver in single coverage with a safety. Too many players out of...
Contrary to your imagination, Gun registration fees range from $5 to $25 with $10 being about average in places that have registration. Concealed...
Small wins are progress. ACA could stand improving. All systems need to be constantly improved as actually use reveals problems or opportunities...
It repeats the same old lie that the FBI is conducting a criminal investigation of Hillary when the FBI has said no such thing. You just list...
I know. I still don't see how registration would hurt her. After probate, the house, the car and the guns would all become her possessions. She...
Same old phony FBI story you have posted three time before. You are so gullible.
I answered this false analogy pages ago. Car registration isn't intended to prevent drunks from driving. It is to make car owners accountable for...
You are conflating several issues here I think. Mass killings are not the only campus gun problem. There are almost no instances of armed people...