Faircloth walks the batter to load the bases with 1 out.
Single through the right side of the infield. Runners on the corners with 1 out.
Faircloth hits his 2nd batter. Runner on 1st, 1 out.
Pop up behind the plate and Liuzza makes the play. 1 down.
Throw to 1B from the catcher lands Jackson in no mans land and he is tagged out. Top of the 3rd, Tigers trail 4-0.
Derek Hebert up to bat now, he could help us out and try to make up for his 1st inning blunders.
Jackson runs out a softly hit grounder to SS. Runners on 1st and 2nd with 2 outs.
Mayer earns a walk. 1 on, 2 out.
I heard my first cowbell, ugh its so annoying.
Clay Harris strikes out.
Stavinoha flies out to LF. 1 down.
Ground out to 2B. Bottom 2, Tigers still trail 4-0.
Faircloth hits a guy. 1 on, 2 down.
Line out to Clay Harris at 2B. 2 down. Great going so far for Faircloth.
Ground out to Faircloth. 1 down.
Gil grounds out to the pitcher. 1,2,3. Top of the 2nd coming up, Tigers trail 4-0.
Patterson strikes out.
Sprowl works the count full and then grounds out to the 2B. 1 down.
Faircloth is good for a couple of innings because of his unorthodox delivery but it always seems that the batters seem to figure him out their 2nd...
Going to the bullpen this early in the tournament is really going to put alot of pressure on our pitching staff.