The rumor mill ends when the Buffalo, Chicago, and Oakland jobs are filled.
Bush won't carry California anyway. But if (and it's a big if) he doesn't invite LSU, that isn't such a bad reason for someone who otherwise...
Swannie is a true professional. He was gradious and respectful toward LSU, when he undoubtedly took the outcome personally. Too bad Trev...
I don't begrudge USC anything. What irks me is that the assclowns in the media begrudge LSU their share of the championship. A "split title"...
We've already seen Notre Dame and Alabama crumble...and deaths come in threes. I think we're watching the death of the Nebraska program.
The NY Times is a joke. I believe the size of the media market is factored into its computer poll.
Nebraska ran off a coach with a very good record. They're going to end up like Bama--a has been begging for their 5th choice to take the job.
The tough thing about next year is we play AT Auburn, AT Georgia, and AT Florida, and all of those are relatively early. We get through...
Craig James was generally pro-LSU. Trev Alberts is an assclown.
Holtz had a vested interest in us not getting #1. If he could help taint our championship we wouldn't be as strong in recruiting. Which is why...
Who do you think will draft him? Oakland, Dallas, or Miami?
Or maybe, leave Mack as is. Tubo$#!+ can be Fredo.
Mack Brown should be Fredo. Stupid and disloyal.
Re: Not really. The GM worries about all that stuff in the NFL.