Good point M.O.M The media is extremely pro-hedonism. They also have a bias toward sensationalism. But on economics, they're just interested...
I used to go drinking at Slinky's on Fridays with some of the professors.
I think the original post was sarcasm.
Since Sweden is opposed to the death penalty, I'm sure they would be more than happy to take all our death row inmates off our hands.
I was just pointing out that there were some poor white Southerners who didn't support the Confederacy.
Yep, it's all Blanco's fault. Can't blame the assclown who left a half-billion dollar hole in the budget. Can't blame the people who stymied...
A lot of poor whites believed the war was about protecting the interests of the plantation owners and refused to support the Confederacy. Eastern...
He has every right to make money in the private sector. But working to pass a bill that produces a windfall for a certain industry, then leaving...
Re: Re: If the lawyers in the Slavery Reparations case don't get sanctions, they may......... Hell yes. And those damn limeys owe me...
Works better when a pickup truck cuts her off ans she yells "Inbred $%&^%* yahoos!" And from the radio: "Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen,...
The list is a fair enough description of the nutjob wing of the Democrats :)
Hmmm...I'm a Democrat and #16 is the only statement I agree with.
Did they have the brook trout look? :)
Last time we cut taxes, raised spending, established new programs, and engaged in a major war effort, we created an economic disaster.
That's OK...they'll do whatever it takes to put Jeb in the White House in 2008. Then they'll Whip Inflation Now!!
Why would you consider a new line of work? This isn't a typical war. The terrorists don't value their own lives. Die for Allah and get 72 virgins...
I think (as does Ed Gillespie) that Bush wins a close one in the fall. 52% of the vote went to Gore or Nader last time, and I wouldn't count on...
I'd like to see ULM, Tech, and Grambling combined into one school called the University of Louisiana. Just to pi$$ off USL :) They could keep...
Both parties are guilty of appointing judges to be policymakers. "Activism" or "making law" simply means making rulings you don't like. "Following...
He sounded like he was giving a victory speech. He must have won the AP poll.