Loving that the underclassmen have responded to this positively. Tyrann has been tweeting about his workouts since the game. "I'll be working out...
:rolleye33: What a joke.
No ... it suggests that non-coaches have a right to discuss football and express their satisfaction and/or dissatisfaction in a rational manner....
What if the only answer is "we spent four weeks on a gameplan that was doomed to fail"? I know that's not satisfying to hear for closure purposes,...
Last night Lee played in some two-bit all star game nobody has ever heard of that was broadcast on some random FSN affiliate, and LSUsports.net...
Why validate baseless rumors with a response? The team got its ass kicked, that should not be a mystery, or even something Miles must address...
A personal attack on the coach qualifies as an opinion these days? Did not realize that. My apologies, apparently the standards for discourse have...
He doesn't owe us an apology. He doesn't owe us a damn thing in fact. Stop being a spoiled brat. As for "fixing the problem" it has already...
My definition of stupid is someone who thinks they know more about a subject than trained professionals.
Well, I won't take it personally. Football wise, we should be fine. We have a few other talented (and young) QBs on the roster, this isn't like 2008.
Well if it makes you feel any better his brother came here and did just that. If that's the stock he comes from I'm not worried about it, PP is a...
Pretty much. I don't think any of us wanted much to do with LSU football immediately after Monday night. Time heals all wounds though. Really...
Love Miles and would be sad to see him leave.
Good friend of several players tells me that Shepard is staying. Wish I could say otherwise for most of our fans though, unfortunately.
Yep. They played a great opponent, had a terrible game plan, and got their asses handed to them. In the words of Freud, sometimes a banana is...
Tell that to the 4 running backs who got significant carries this year.
Ask Maryland fans about that one.
You are exceedingly dumb for reading that, much less re-posting it somewhere else.
Instead I'll just imagine Mettenberger in the shotgun, throwing or handing off to our many skilled offensive players. Honey Badger on offense...