I stopped reading here. Can't take anything you say seriously anymore...
I think Wahada's delivers if you like sushi...
After reading up on it I'd say I'm FOR net neutrality. It protects consumers from the ISP's. Without net neutrality, it's only a matter of...
I disagree.... I don't think the team looked flat at all. We were definitely pumped up to play - just didn't execute as well as we could have on...
Ball was in Keiland's right arm, and he spun around and the ball went past the goal line...couldn't see it clear on the ESPN replays.
yeah... I'm sure Louisville calls themselves U of L, just like the gators call themselves U of F... :lol: ...nice try though.
Washington - 35 USCw -10
Wow, I would have said the exact opposite. I like the atmosphere, but the pizza is like cardboard with grease on top. ...to each his own I guess.
I was offended when he said Schlitz had the best pizza.. :huh: I'd say they might possibly have the worst pizza in BR.
Pretty funny that danthetigerfan is calling the USL logo classless... :lol: Remember how classy he was when he first started posting here?
A 2nd video was released today of the same thing happening at an acorn office in DC... unbelievable.
I didn't say I liked Glenn Beck... that was the first link I found with the video. :wink:
Glenn Beck video on it is posted here... pretty insane. Big Government
Do NFL and NBA players go to class at 7:30 AM? I would say Miles and Chavis both looked like they needed a nap at the end of the game...
What about "Patrick Patterson"? :lol: Dude had a heck of a game.
Are you kidding me? JJ played great in a hostile environment on the road. It's not like we were losing be 30 and he was laughing on the...
Dwayne Bowe vs the R-kansas linebacker in 2006..... and Bowe had the ball. :lol:
I think Musberger calls him "Halloway" in the 2007 VT game. Wasn't that the first game we saw :wave: ?
The Bass bros.
Trey and Todd McClure?