Sloan is a good QB coach but never should have been promoted to OC. He is not good at calling plays.
On 3rd down (or 4th) when you have to get 2 yards, why the hell do you run swing passes that don’t cross the line to gain?
I don’t have a good feeling about the upcoming game vs the gatyturds. Overall I think we have more talent, but who knows where our team’s head is...
I have faith in you. + I don’t think we can afford your buyout.
Naaa! They all went over to the visitors locker room to book their visit to Tuscaloosa.
Can we count on you to fund the buyout?
Hearing the bama fans sing the “na na na hey hey goodby“ song at the end , in our home stadium, made my blood boil.
I think I heard that we had about 300 recruits/families invited. We probably made a hell of an impression. But probably not the kind pf one we...
We are closer in talent level.
I sadly expect us to to lose next week to the gayturds. We will be lucky to go 8-4.
So what! They took Vandy for granted and paid the price.
Have to disagree. We have some good players on defense, but not across the board. + no depth. Do you really expect thar Sage Ryan or major Burns...
We just don’t have the athletes on defense.
The gunslinger rears its ugly head again.
That shirtless guy with the missing tooth they keep showing looks like he belongs on the bama side of the field.
What do you mean? Confidence that the refs will give them favorable calls?
What the hell was Chester doing on the fumble play?
Te D has to get a quick stop.
And have Alexander man on Williams. If he goes to take a piss, follow him to the bathroom.
Rain and this sort of performance will result in our fickle fans heading for the exits.