This whole thing just doesn't add up. Why would he say those things to Mike S and then, all of a sudden, show up in Tuscaloosa??
I was at the game with my Saints jersey on and heard quite a few things Katrina related...Quite ridiculous actually..
I was at the game. Thought the officiating was right on, but may not have seen it all. The only call that was BS was the Micahel Lewis fumbe. He...
Someone gave me red for this with the comment that the "world against LSU mentality is getting old." Was I too vague with my saracasm? Or is...
Come on now. Can't expect anything less. Just reading what they said and I actually laughed...They couldn't have been more neutral and non-...
Why in the world was the Offensive Line Coach thread locked????
Re: What an Arrogant SOB...Saban trying to get Jones to decommit We also do the same thing. Some people, for some reason, have some notion...
Re: What an Arrogant SOB...Saban trying to get Jones to decommit There also is a forum for this with two posts about it already.
Yeah, he has a bias against LSU. Although LSU has never done anything to him, he has some random hatred against us and will stop at nothing less...
If you have a chance and are a member of Rivals, go read Mike Scarborough's article on Saban and Lance Thompson's visit to talk Phelon Jones into...
I went on GoDucks to see what they were saying. It was the typical "glad he's gone" response to his depature. Have yet to find a pure, untainted...
For the sake of the Republican party, I hope he doesn't.
They're loaded, what can you expect?
I couldn't care less. If that gets them off, great...We beat the **** out of them which is what counts. Now, if they go and moon Mrs. Miles,...
They just advanced past the best team in the league to make it the AFC championship game and they are not supposed to show any emotion or...
Holy **** that's bad.
It's information. The guys like Scarborough and the likes don't own the information. They just make a living relaying it based on their inside...
Who cares? Do you actually think people are going to hold back because of some sort of gentleman's agreement? Word spreads, people get excited,...