I believe there is a privacy setting in there refering to other websites having access to your information. (Don't know, its why whenever I create...
I don't think it is trumped up at all. He hacked her personal email that was also used by the govt of alaska sometimes. That's Identity theft....
To answer the original question. There is a financial penalty that can be inforced for not returning it. I also did a bit of research on the...
My first thought from a legal perspective is that this would end up being statutory law. Therefore, the federal statutes would trump it. That's...
Georgia Supreme Court rules on the Georgia State Constitution. They struck down a Georgia law for not aligning itself with the Georgia State...
You might want to read a history book sir. Israel was in a bunch of wars through the 50s, 60s, and 70s. The US didn't always back them in their...
I think he was also referring to the fact that Israel has gone to war with other regional powers at the time and the US has not publicly backed...
The only good part about Whiteout was Kate. It was a bit predictable in some places. It a bit of suspense in others. I saw it in the theater...
re: 2010 ATH Jarrett Fobbs (LOI) There is a rumor, mom is getting final say and she wants A&M. Just relaying what I'm hearing and hoping I'm wrong.
maybe he's looking for a job in the near future.:dis:
Just knowing the electorate here, she has 5 years to swing the political tide back in her favor. I'm not saying it won't take a lot to do it but...
She was just re-elected in 08. She has another 5 years for the political climate to change and to put that out of the voters minds. As long as...
Not that I have heard anything close to this, but I think it would be funny if Petrino left Arkansas to go there.
Re: Crowton to Bears? Rumor crushed - ^(*(*% Did you miss my reply to LSUDolemite? I didn't say it was what happened, I said it was a...
Re: Crowton to Bears? Rumor crushed - ^(*(*% Personally, that's something I would like to know too. But with all the rumors about GC, aside...
Re: Crowton to Bears? Rumor crushed - ^(*(*% No I was speaking to the point of GC being let go from LSU. It has absolute zero to do with the...
Re: Crowton to Bears? Rumor crushed - ^(*(*% I know its not what many of you want to hear, but there is also a rumor going around that it was a...
Re: Crowton to Bears? Rumor crushed - ^(*(*% I think you missed my point. It would essentially be paying 2 people for the same job. It's...