I thought they were a legit Top Ten team. But somewhere between the opener and about 5 minutes ago I remembered that their coach is Houston Nutt....
I don't want to be too rough on the guy after his first game, but he didn't have distance OR hang time Saturday. Surely he can do better that...
PUNTS-YARDS 4-128 Average Yards Per Punt 32.0 Net Yards Per Punt 27.5 I would be gald to hear an explanation why these numbers...
He picked the Buckeyes to beat us in the BCSCG and looked totally foolish at halftime backing down. :crystal:
Nice, though obviously put together by a Gator.
Thank you Gil LeBreton
From the looks of things Miles has decided that he should have gone to Michigan. He has become further disheartened by the failure of Rich...
Their HB is getting 8 yards a pop.
I have my tickets. I expected Houston Nutt to be there, not my Tigers. Miles VS Pellini. Oh my!
GREAT FIND. The stiff arm is at 0:44. It's in slow motion and a little different angle than the one I saw during the game. Pat Watkins (former...
Correction: 21 Yards
The 3rd QTR play where he bowled over the Cowboy DB was a thing of beauty. The DB tried to tackle him high. JH just put his hand on the guys...
Don't forget this BCS Trophy/LSU trivia tidbit: http://coachestrophy.com/NewSite/history.htm From what I've read elsewhere, Cholly Mac was...
He did misplace the Billy Cannon run by one year however.
There were many at the game saying that she should attempt a comeback when CU's kicker shanked his first FG try.
Wow! He described me perfectly! I was on the SEC side 45 yard line 20 rows up. Purple LSU coat, gold LSU sweat shirt, and a white "Les Miles" cap!...
I go to the Independence Bowl every year. It always turns out to be a great ballgame. The old stadium isn't the greatest venue and the end zone...
DMAC to the Pats! The rich get richer!
I read here somewhere that he has a strained ACL. He'll be ready in about 2 weeks. I just watched the replay again. he walked off the field...
The Ohio State band is great and SCript Ohio is cool. But they will be the second best band in the Dome!