GIrls played great and deserved to win but the officiating was atrocious and Resse's move at the end was classless. I don't care if Clark did it...
bump last chance, so far 2 people. response is overwhelming lol
Be sad to this place go. Been a great place for discussion for a long time. Wish I had the money ( and time) to keep it going but life seems to...
Like last year, I set up a private group. Password - geaux For fun, join up and play...
Spot on Tim McCarver
Who knew? The US Army rocks. [MEDIA]
The RNC re-elected Rona McDaniel as chair today. Mitt Romney's niece still has her job. After that performance in the midterms this is shocking....
How says you can't wear white after labor day? AppState has it's winter white on. [IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][ATTACH][ATTACH][IMG][ATTACH][IMG][IMG][IMG]
reasonable gun laws? Think I've said this before, best gun law would punish the violators. Use a gun in a robbery- 10 years minimum, no early...
It must be almost as much as China has on him
I've said before, the folks talking about Trump Russia collusion were the ones that were actually colluding with the Russians. Only I meant...
Change the subject much? Antifa, the border, crime, inflation, Biden family corruption, Clinton family corruption.......
C' Mon MAN....I was a life long Democrat but.... Trump lies, just like every other politician. You people need to get over your TDS. Most of us...
Double standard or no standard at all [MEDIA]
Sometimes you can land one and still lose them. Gators fall short on the ($12M)money (for an unproven QB).Money is killing the game....