Thanks for the help. We are currently starting 20 true freshman. Thanks for the assist And yea I do this thing called work
I can't disagree with this
yea he was like our tebow, right
Give you that one he is 9th overall. That is what I was pointing out. Still don't want jimbo. Cough 0-2 Douche* Sure he is still 9-3...
Yea I hope that was sarcastic also
I have corrected what I said and have clarified my point (sometimes work gets in the way of my TF habit). He did not play a freshman QB in...
I stand corrected to an extent. I was talking about meaningful playing time to a young QB. And I stand by that
And why don't we, b/c of poor recruiting / kids leaving (not fitting our current scheme; which happens I get that) Also equating the number of...
Again show me where I'm wrong. 20 Freaking freshman starting
[IMG] Strong response
yea well that is 2 got 18 more? nope didn't thing so
He didn't start 20 freshman nor did he ever give playing time to a true freshman. Not meaningful playing time
pretty easy to say that when you have no proof. I call bull shit here. Other wise prove it
Is it just me or does Williams remind anyone of the old school Ally Broussard (you know 1st year bulldozing one ). I hope he can keep it up
Your right they have a right to do this, but this is a work place and the owners have a right to fire their ass. Trump was right here. You have...
If we are taking the cowbells then his WR didn't really help him much. This game he looked better IMO Vs cowbells I would say way south of 50%
This is Orgeron's fault, no that would be miles and his inept QB development. Which has already shown more improvement in the last couple of games...
Gotta say I got a lot done today not wasting my time watching the over paid whiners. The sad thing here is these morons are literally crapping on...
Well lets start here. Herman has success as a Coordinator, no success as a head coach and so far still none there. He took over a cluster of a...
Well my eyes see differently. He looks better moving and not under duress. If you have stats other wise. Then I could agree.