I had no doubt USC would be #1 and i really though UGA would be a close #2. Auburn should clearly be in the top 10. LSU not even in the top 20?...
if Jones were at LSU, he'd be a starter somewhere. He's a tough kid who is tall, sturdy and fast as hell. Ark. lost everyone from last year's...
I was there in 1987 and dressed in 1950s attire - with a trenchcoat. I was a student and our fraternity had seats on the 10 (thanks pledge class...
herb played for while for the Houma "Bayou Bucks" - but did not show for a playoff game in Lake Charles last year for some reason. Those guys...
LSU will be favored - heavily - in all home games this year. So predicting which ONE we might lose is total barbara streisand.
I had 3 of the final 4 and UConn winning it all against kentucky. Still lost both pools I entered, though. Came out second in both. No money...
check out the article on ESPN's college football page: http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/columns/story?columnist=maisel_ivan&id=1766703 Last...
#4 gets the nod for me as it was Charles Alexander's number and I was about 10 when he was playing - so he was a football hero to me. I was...
They use Brasky's foreskin as a tarp when it rains in Tiger Stadium.
Where is Jean Lafitte on a post like this? I expected to see his post on our Fighting Tigers and why we're unique. I should know that whole...
Has anyone heard what team will replace Houston? Radcovich is quoted on ESPN as saying the replacement team is locked up "99%". i hope is a...
How long do you want to not be one of the best teams in the country?
Brady is terrible. He's lost the confidence of his players. He alienates fans and would-be supporters. This team is talented enough to compete...
Brady's teams play well when they are underdogs, when the world is against them - when they get no respect. Whenever the press, fans, etc.. start...
TJ Ribs are horrible compared to Dreamland. Louisiana does not have good barbeque. The best? - In Memphis, TN at the Rendezvous. A close...
Has anyone seen a pic of this guy? He is a freaking human mountain. Schweet recruiting job by Saban. Anyone hear Stan Hixon might go to the...
that was a cool post - but do we need to call it "miraculous?" Miraculous is a term better saved for things like the bluegrass miracle or that...
cool. Chad seems like a great guy and is deserving of the respect he received. I wish him well on the next level. he needs to gain some weight...
both teams eximplify one thing for sure - Defense wins championships. With as good as Lienart, etc. were - it blows my mind when folks debated...
wonder if we'll hear as much hype about the AU backfield next year?