How many of your friends know that you post on Tigerfan? I only have a couple. I discovered that my cousin posts on the other LSU site recently....
I think the biggest issue people have with FB is that it's a reflection of your identity for the world to see. On many sites similar to Tigerfan,...
I've been on linkedin a few years. Although I'm also not very active there, I've had about a dozen recruiters or HR personnel send details of job...
Agree with some of the negative comments about FB although I've had an account for 5 years and has worked well. Roughly 75% of people I know are...
I rarely click on a Kardashian article although it has happened. I agree that the suggested yahoo articles include way too many Kardashian...
I had a co-worker mention to me recently that someone she knew was at a drive-through ATM and wasn't quite close enough to reach the buttons. The...
The weight should help but possibly more important is that fine line of avoiding a hit. Hopefully Harris will use his legs and run a few...
I agree. This particular 13 year old should have just been content with the bathroom they were given. However, I do think that there are some...
When did he have a cyst removed? Knowing when/if to go to the doctor or ER can be difficult. I tend to avoid going as much as possible but need...
I'm a "Jr." named after my dad and my first name is a little funny. Having it called on the 1st day of school (each year) along with my mom being...
The demands of an NFL RB are so much greater than college. The much longer season, holes that close quicker than you can identify them, the pass...
I ended up taking Adrian Peterson with the #1 overall pick in my draft. I wasn't thrilled about that pick but liked my team in general (got Brees...
I've always been fascinated by dreams but don't understand them. I think that many times, dreams are simply the brain storing and categorizing...
What are the chances for Terrence Magee making the Ravens roster? Kenny Hilliard is getting a lot of work in the preseason for the Texans but my...
Could Jordan Jefferson ever have a year in the NFL like RG3 did in his rookie season? I'm not a fan of RG3 but think you are exaggerating his...
Charlie Ward had a long NBA career so probably shouldn't be on the list.
Wasn't Honey Badger about 5th in the Heisman? If you want to take away Heismans due to how they fared in the NFL, there would only be a handful...
From the little I've heard about this story (and nothing since last week), Briles knew enough about the situation that he should not have been...
I wondered if there were really 6 pages devoted to disco but at least some of it (non-disco) was humorous. I like a few disco songs and the scene...