Me an overreactive jackass???? I'm not the one critizising someone I don't know based on quotes that I don't understand the meaning of....
Texas Tiger, maybe you should understand the meaning of the things that he said before you go off on another asinine rant about things you know...
What are you guys talking about? Kick him off the team?? He's a confident kid, he's 19 years old. He said he wanted to play defense? you...
what do you want him to do, not recruit? Sure Fran is a jerk, but not because of this.
Didn't Kevin Mawae play guard at LSU?
I really disagree chuck, I think very few people who have ever played sports would be that proud of the trophies that LSU and Auburn will get,...
Saying that the LB's will be the same or worse is ridiculous, and a man in my position can't afford to be made to look ridiculous(godfather)...
Not only because it is the state of my birth, but because The West needs to win another SEC title game, start to even things out. A few hours...
Yea, I saw that Clayton call, I could not believe they didn't call it.
I just don't know what to say.....................AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH In what World was that fullback in the endzone??????????????????
I say he is the best coach in the SEC. When Fran first came to Alabama, all the tiders were talking about how he was going to restore the...
I have a survey of my own. If you answer correctly, I'll mail you 1000 dollars, if you answer wrong, you mail me 1000 dollars. I live at 123...
when is this guy going to post the results?
GrayTiger Wow GrayTiger; can you say overreaction? I don't think anybody was severly admonishing hawthorne, the first poster just said that they...
Yea, with all the times they have played that audio of him saying Jack Hunt caught the ball on ESPN, and all over the country, he must feel like a...
I don't think that the spread was 4 anywhere. It was 5.5 most places I saw.
To think that Saban could ad-lib a 5 minute speech like that half an hour after the most improbable win I have ever seen, i don't think so.
next year this is what the roster should look like at QB Juniors Matt Mauck Marcus Randall Sophomore(redshirt) Rick Clausen...
Why is bama not ranked? I know they are on probation, but the coaches poll shouldn't reflect that, should it? 8-2 is still 8-2.