I will be attending that Arky/Mizzou game since I will be home visiting my parents. The Indy Bowl usually is fun.
Im a little slow. Finals are burning me out.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!? WTF??
They usually do a mix crew from nuetral conferences. For some reason I rememeber a Mountain West ref in the Sugar Bowl.
I have the same identical rating and points as you. I wonder how they would do a tiebreaker if a lot of people at the cutoff have the same rank.
This pic is a couple years old but I like since a girl is trying to grab my man-boobs:shock: [IMG]
These aren't exactly licensed items. I have seen these at trade shows before. McFarland Toys makes some realistic figures of some professional...
Currently in his contract he does get bonuses. Having a 10-win season is one of the milestones as is winning and SEC Title, Bowl Game and a...
Well this year it was KSU that put it into turmoil. They were th eheavy underdog that stirred the pot.
You got me beat, I had buffalo wings. I think tommorow night I will be going to Mr Gattis for the buffet, carnage will ensue:sob:
I've seen figures like this at sports card shows in years past. They are a neat novelty item.
Well I got one brewing, want me to FedEx you one? Free shipping and handling!;)
If I were him I'd make myself avaialble for the draft and even if you don't get drafted, get an agent to sell you hard to get on some practice...
I guess it really only penalizes you in the human polls. Cause the computers treat it like any other game.
Back during my freshman year we watched a video in geography class about one of the central American countries and in one of the shanty towns...
Are at least the big 4 BCS bowls shown outside of the US? Will the Sugar Bowl be available in other countries like the Super Bowl is?