The pralines from Aunt Sally's are the best. The shop is right next door to Cafe Du Monde. Also Cafe Du Monde is my favorite tourist-type thing...
If there is a buck to be made, there will be tickets.
Word is the NOPD is supposed to crack down on it.
I vote against this. There will be more than enough insanity outside the stadium in the event of a Tiger win.
And coupled with the fact that nowhere in Tiger Stadium are corndogs sold and never have I seen anyone tailgating with corndogs.
I think it is rediculous when a coach is able to just walkout. If a University wants to fire a coach they must pay a penalty to terminate the...
You are sort of right. But since the previous games turned out like they did, it made these games have more importantance. Had Alabama beaten...
15years? That's rediculous.
For me, Fark is a website that does silly stories. What they do on the OU boards I always referred to it as "Photochopping", since Photoshop is a...
This is resized to 640x480. I have the original which is 1600x1200 and about 450kb in file size. This is a pic from my seat. [IMG]
Are those black LSU jerseys? I don't think I have ever seen those before.
Speaking of Mardi Gras. Here is me holding my lovely friend Lacey on my shoulders. She is a hardcore Tiger football fan too (those are the best...
Well I signed up for the student lottery plus I am in TAFCC so hopefully I have a shot at getting in. And no vanguard award was won the day that...
6 years
"YOUR---PERSONAL PASSCODE---IS----NOT---CORRECT!" dammit I dont know the damn passcode, noone ever told me what it was! *this is a serious...
This is bringing back flashbacks of trying to schedule classes on PAWS.
It is $5.45 now days. My friends and I always have exact change. And those black ladies that work there like to flirt with young college guys.