As a Saints fan, I would give up 5 first round picks to get him. But, does he get to wear #9 in new orleans?
The second time he would whistle, I'd be in jail and he would be in hospital.
I prefer "chance of rain...NEVER!"
every head in cajunland would explode if this would happen...and I'd love it!
basketball is performing like baseball. can just go to Austin. :)
can't be worse than lafayette I went to a couple of baseball games a few years ago. don't remember any bad traffic. I am going to this game as...
I meant that no one in california is from california. When i say no one, i don't mean literally no one, but almost. A friend of mine moved to san...
Can't beat that weather.
haha. stop with the facts! :)
Read today that more TV's in california watched the AFC game than the NFC. no one in california is from there.
Goff doesn't know that the sun rises in the east. I just hope I remember posting this because of my age.
no. are you a queer?
the referees can control every single game.
I know the answer. The motherfucking referees,. I can't wait till they'll all dead.
I was 3 so I don't remember. But I do remember listening to Tom Dempsey's record FG vs Lions.
If he stays healthy, I think he can challenge all of Jerry Rice's records.
What did Peat practice? jumping off sides? he sure sucked sunday.
That's his cousin. :)