The problem with Tiger changing his stance is that seems like the Russians planted this laptop with photoshopped images on it. Or they just...
You pretend that you want to have honest conversations about things, and then you poke your fingers in your eyes and tell me you can’t see. Kinda...
The lies that said the laptop wasn’t real and that it had all the earmarks of being Russian disinformation. Which is what Joe Biden said during...
So Rudy planted the laptop and Hunter went along with it. And then agreed to accept the charges. Got it. He’s good, I guess.
So he would lie to his friend? Sounds right
That’s convenient for you
So, the laptop is fake? Or Russia just guessed that the laptop existed? You’ve confused me.
So you believe that those elections were stolen from some kind of cheating, but you’re sure this one wasn’t? I don’t think the election was...
You caught that too? Joe Biden said the laptop was Russian disinformation. Cnn said it was Russian disinformation. Social media banned accounts...
Oh. Forgot that Epstein killed himself and there’s no client list. Good thing we have all this non proof of these things
Yeah, no one would protect a sitting president’s son. Politics are straight forward in this country. But yeah, you, me, and the rest don’t have...
I blame the media for spreading the lies told by the intelligence community. And then running with it. You still don’t understand this?...
You’re really ok with the media telling you what to believe?
It can work on almost anything. I see why you do it now
Wait what?
Like the media disinformation about the laptop? Maybe that’s not a bad idea. Could’ve told us a lot when Biden was lying to us, I reckon. I see...
My desperation about being lied to by the media? That’s comical? How many times do I have to tell you it isn’t about the contents? You can keep...
Cadillac economy?
Doing everything he can to say the laptop isn’t real. Like it’s a mirage.
Conspiracy theorist. You don’t have any proof