It's not about Republicans, it's about independents. He won't get many of those and will lose to Hillary.
Good job genius. Your previous link had nothing to do with this.
Josh Booty??? What compelled you to pull that name out of thin air?
Yes, that's how the law works. You don't arrest and convict someone on gut feelings and determinations that certain actions seem like crimes....
I didn't realize he wanted to get away from private prisons. Have to say I agree with that, but hopefully she keeps her job either way.
health insurance broker?
I didn't realize that. I'll have to look it up.
Yeah, I understand your point but I think you underestimate how much those guys hate Cruz. Even so, that's why I still have him as a long shot...
Not true. He's got a shot. A win in Ohio virtually assures a brokered convention. He makes the most sense because he can win. He'll be the...
This doesn't seem realistic at all to me. I can't imagine this has happened any time in recent history and with the demographics in the...
She's such a disaster.
You can get a LOMA (letter of map amendment) but if your house is already built at the lower elevation, no way to do it unless you jack up the...
That wasn't in the previous link. Do you have a link to this code?
Tell me what I'm missing. At least give me the section. Your original link says section g. What in section g describes what she's done?
Here are Bernie Kosar's career stats. That should clear it up for you.
If everyone got into a tizzy every time Trump accused someone of something, there would be no time for real news. He's the boy who cried wolf....
I understand what you're saying but the link that was posted to the SIPRNeT statute doesn't say that.
NC is coming with very compelling thought out evidence backed with actual laws. Can you reference the law she broke with the specific action of...
Damnit, I told her to go straight home. She just doesn't listen.
I'll give you credit though, you sure do make a valiant effort to find the words in a lot of posts. Keepy trying, you'll get there. May have to...