Yes, fox news is a bastion of liberalness
Such a tired line that gets parroted. Hell trump has you guys turning on Megan Kelly. The problem is not the media, it's the idiot they're...
The third debate was the only one I didn't watch. If he whipped her on foreign policy then that would be the first time he actually laid out a...
I can't even imagine how high my premium will be next year. United is leaving the marketplace and I'm on an individual plan.
He holds virtually none of the same convictions as Christians but because he has an R behind his name some will blindly vote for him. The guy is...
Well thank god for that.
I was thinking 7.5.
I think we have a chance against bama. Very curious to see the line when it comes out.
I'm still laying 2 to 1
Are they really considered rumors when they're fabricated out of mid air?
I actually have no problem with him being unable to name a world leader or to know where allepo is. The guy's an isolationist! Why would he...
Lots of gun owners too. Austin has a net influx of 100 people per day. That could be helping Hillary too.
I had no idea Texas was that close. Crazy.
I'm laying 2 to 1
You can't make this stuff up.
Who did you vote for in the primaries?
I'll bet virtually any amount of money that Hillary wins and I'll lay 2 to 1. None of you actually believe Trump is going to win or you would all...
Makes sense. Thought it was weird you didn't know better.
You must not bet much. Your $100 wins you $6,600. Great book about a story that still fascinates me. Way better than that goofy...