Earl Campbell
please turn off caps lock.
yup. JJ ad a great game today. Loved that block on the reverse. I loved the emotion from everyone on the field today.
i just rather the term asshat
Not trying to sound like a tech snob, but stop using IE. At least until you get IE9. It seems like Microsoft is finally getting it with ie9....
watch it you old fart
not trying to single anyone out, but the start of this thread is an example of why i have grown to hate talking politics. Most people now argue...
haha wow. that was quick
whoaa nellie
I have it recorded. Probably watch it tonight. It looks pretty cool
If the porn star was still running in Louisiana I would would have voted against Vitter.
ah... i did not know they were only allowed 1 prime-time game a season.
I know the what the contract says and I know that it will be the SEC game of the week. i would just rather it be played at night. It is not like...
why "wow'?
I will leave you to find the original video -google "2 girls 1 cup" kermit watching "2 girls 1 cup" YouTube - Kermit the Frog Reacts to...
yes there was.
I guess i fall in that category. I really think Crowton needs to go. Not gonna defend crowton at all.