I don't recall an LSU football team ever looking this bad.
I'm older than you and I can't remember what I had for breakfast much less If Stokley was left or right handed. Je
I'm actually more comfortable with Johnson because he appears to be a much better runner than Finley.
O-line ain't gettin' it done.
The officials are not being kind to us so far.
Evnen' folks. Personally I'm looking forward to an 'Aggie ass whippin' tonight! GEAUX TIGERS!!!
What's so good about that? I can shoot a 29 in six holes, it took her nine! :D
Awfully late to be planning it now, but I'm still interested.
Notre Dame looks like the real deal.
So what's your point?o_O
Thanks Tap
I'm not tekkie enough to post a link, but google or go to you tube and check it out. It'll make you feel a little better.
On second thought, with my luck the player that tripped over me would probably be the running back and I'd end up as the bottom of a pile.:eek:
So sorry for your loss.
Tom Brady could be warming up, the way the O-line is playing it wouldn't matter.
This is just embarrassing.
Well, there is some good news today, Sage Ryan verbally committed to LSU!!!!
Need a TD before the half