LMFAO. COTiger misses COTiger too.
Does Turks disappearance have anything to do with this ongoing feud I was unaware of? I miss that cocksucker too
Yeah, I don’t do Facebook either. I despise that shit.
I went edit- sorry about my auto-complete on my phone. I miss Nootch and Fish.
I’m very perplexed about this situation and O use that word in the most sincerest manner. I never saw anything but kindness from @KyleK and...
McNeese used to play in the Centroplex, I believe it was called.
Maybe we can just do a big group text on our phones.
I remember going to games when Joe Dumars was playing. Games were not at Burton Colosseum back then tho.
Can we Venmo to donate? My only apprehension is Kyle using the funds on hookers & blow.
He was a flash in the pan here.
I always looked forward to the Florida game.
Yep, you and me bout the same age here, ma nigga.
How day day dat, “All good things come to an end.”
A kid with so much of a future, glad they didn’t ruin his chances. The Bama kid brought the gun to its owner- no foul in my book.
I meant bench. Sorry
Oh yeah, I get it. Plus their beach is much deeper than ours. Another growing pain.
@BornOnTheBayou ate you watching this game. They’ve dominated us from the beginning, essentially.
Ain’t nothing solid about your diapers
Good grief. That had as much bearing on this game as how many times a week you change your diaper.