'Supporting' doesn't mean 'satisfied' That is LAUGHABLE how you use the word 'supporting' as if it means 'satisfied'. Of course, that is a step...
I thought GOP red herring month started in November I have heard nothing about it, which is the airtime that it deserves. It is truly sad...
ROTFLMAO!!! ROTFLMAO!!! ROTFLMAO!!! That NONSENSE statement by the Hitler wannabe Sapling is worth 3 of them. Here is what REALLY happened to...
1) Love the way Sapling ATTEMPTS to differentiate between Iraq and everyone else. North Korea LIES to the world for years and gets US bribe money...
Well, 'hot air' is what we have thanks to the bribed elephant men* a
Re: Re: Jebbie Bush, say it ain't so -- in BIG trouble in Florida Might want to try spellcheck and practice diagramming some sentences there...
Geez, my facts are a little hard to debate, aren't they? a
Elementary, my dear Ellis You cannot blame environmental changes on a guy who hasn't been in office 2 years. HOWEVER, you can blame the GOP and...
Kilimanjaro, snow capped for over 10,000 years will be void of snow and ice within two decades. Oh, but wait, that is just coincidence just like...
Just heard on NBC Nightly News that old Jebbie Bush's 'lead' is 3 points, well within the margin of error according to the latest Zogdy poll....
>>Too good to even vote for or against as a matter of fact. One of those budgets plans best admired from afar, as far from the eyes of the voters...
>>I didn't mention Tennessee, South and North Carolina or Texas for that matter where the candidate of the retiring incumbent is leading the...
Funny, I didn't see other races brought up How about the race in Colorado where Allard is in trouble? How about the race in New Hampshire where...
Remember the 'energy crisis' in California, you know the phony one that was NEVER about true supply and demand but the manipulated supply, done so...
The Sapling administration has sidetracked a bipartisan effort to create an independent commission to examine the Sept 11th attacks. While the...
Hmmmm, just heard a poll this morning that said that 2/3 of the American people thought the stock market was too risky AND that 1/3 of the people...
To TuWho, I will respond with personal statements if others start it which they have As I've stated before, it will be obvious to be able to...
This is an excellent post without one personal insult attached Tom! Keep up the good work--
>>What's ironic is that Tom, who whined, complained and had a tantrum like a child because someone stated that Democrats wanted illegal votes...
Remember when the GOP was the party that always said the federal government should stay away from overriding state laws, challenging state laws,...