Kind of what I was thinking. "Peek-a-boo... I SEE you... Now I'm going to EAT you..." :wave:
No no!! I think it's fantastic!
[IMG] My favorite!
That mag is still in publication ya know. If your boys were in scouting you'd know that. :grin:
Nah. The diamond is too small. :wink:
"heeeeey macarena!"
I think the picture speaks for itself... [IMG]
LAS CRUCES, N.M. -- Calling all New Mexico State Aggies fans. Your team has the munchies and you can help. In a twist on Little League moms lining...
Looks like I'll be having a little one about that time. Which will keep me at home a good bit of the season. I am hoping to get to Oxford in Nov....
Was kind of thinking the same thing. They consume more resources and create more waste. Kind of goes with the territory. :grin:
I loved the guy tiptoeing back out into the road... funny. :wave:
Not necessarily. If the child is not willing to sit and enjoy the game and insists on going to the concourse to buy a hot dog or drink every 5...
Thanks girl!!! :thumb:
If they were not they could have just as easily told the cop she was not hurting anyone and was allowed to ask and answer questions. Only person...
The only editing was to highlight what was taking place- police officer telling her mom she could not stand at a particular point on the sidewalk,...
Not sure what you mean by "happened like it's portrayed"
My friend shot the video at an anti-Obama Healthcare Rally in Baton Rouge. Little did she know it was acutally a press conference for ACORN. She...
To be fair he said chicks in bikinis... not hats and bows. :wink:
You are in MS.... [IMG]
Happy Birthday CS! Don't worry about the number... $$ and pills can cover you at any age.