The funny thing is, I know a lot of people from Arlington, and the majority of them wish it wasn't being built there, mainly for the tax...
Just kidding, Plano has actually been pretty good to me; my wife is from there, and I used to do quite a bit of business up in Collin County....
Sorry, but not everything in DFW needs tobe placed forthe convenience of the North Dallas/Collin County crowd.:yelwink2: Not that I'm likely to...
Office shot.
Was it the one on Plank between Prescott and Mohican, or the newer one down by Airline (presuming it was in BR)? My first job: When I was 15 my...
Funny. On Monday I was at a trade show in Lexington and the vendor in the booth across from mine had Richie Farmer signing autographs. The...
I better get screen writer credit! :)
How that didn't make the list, I'll never know. Thanks for saying what needed to be said!
So Mel Gibson had 3 out of the top 10? Shocking :shock: I suppose in his next film he'll play a WWII Australian pilot who slaps Churchill's...
The general trend I see here, which I completely agree with, is that spanking is a tool to be used, just like many others. And it is all in how...
I have a better idea for a study...... Go to your local Wal-Mart. The kids who are behaving know they will get popped if they act up. The...
Here's an interesting site if you want to read about it from the Serbian perspective: Both this...
I tend to agree, but it is interesting to draw historical parallels to the current situation and those from the past. However, I think it is of...
I agree, but I think Serbia will at least feel compelled to make a "symbolic" gesture. Besides, in the last conflict, Serbia was not on moral...
Interesting take from the Russian point of view: While not likely to spark a direct...
I agree, there isn't much they can do to reverse the move, but I sense Russia's frustration between this and the prospect of NATO anti-missile...
With Kosovo's declaration of Independence on Sunday, Russia is demanding a special UN security council meeting with Serbia allowed to participate...
China learned a valuable lesson by watching the Soviet Union crumble under the weight of economic pressures. Their ideology is no different, but...
I'm not saying I am in favor of a cradle to the grave system, but in the US we have neither the lowest costs or the highest quality of care....
Exactly. LSU was up by 12 or so in the second half, Knight disagrees with a ref's call, destroys a telephone on the scorer's table, and then all...