Come back when you define clean.
They did have them?
All the govt. is doing is cost-shifting to the young. We will be back to the same increases in a year or two.
Clean CR my ass. Oh you mean the $980B number they picked out of the air..
It's quite obvious that if you keep raising the "ceiling" one doesn't exist. IT HAS NO MEANING.
It's fake because it has no meaning.
Good info I'll pass along. We parked in a lot about 3 blocks from the stadium last time. Next to a damn mosque. Best RV tailgate I've been to...
Raising a fake line to either borrow or print money doesn't equate to "paying" your bills. Our Fed has bailed out everybody and their brother....
Picked this up yesterday... [IMG]
Iran is a joke and Israel is a liability.
We shutdown and life goes on. What a f'ing joke.
I hope the Govt. shuts down.
Yah that really threatens a country with 100 or so nuclear weapons. Nonetheless; Israel offers the US nothing but a headache. Bible thumpers...
You really think Syria is a threat to Israel. Nothing more than warmongering talking points.
That didn't answer the question. We didn't win chit. Syria used chem weapons on Syria. Israel can take care of themselves. The US Govt. poked...
What exactly did America win again? Oh that's right. Nada.
Looks like nothing works.. haha
I could care less about the Syria people. It's their problem.
^Like that will happen. Get ready to waste another trill
Look at all you isolationists.. haha