I'm glad the Govt. is defining what corporate responsibility should be. Yah right. If you or an employee doesn't like what a company is doing...
I searched and didn't see posted yet: http://blog.al.com/wire/2014/01/alabama_fan_tries_hand_as_kick.html [media]
Santa is fictional. St. Nicholas is from modern day Turkey. Figure it out.
Interesting facts: http://www.vice.com/read/everything-you-need-to-know-about-nelson-mandela
Should have gambled about $10k on BitCoin back in Jan. FACK!
It is narrow because I only recognize the direct potential benefits to myself. I don't see much downside to my circumstance. In fact I might...
I didn't draw the lines. The city did long ago. I'm still not sure where I stand on the issue but as a resident of the St. George area I can...
So why not cut off the cancer and re-group if it can't make it on it's own?
Well their claim is 2/3 of the taxes come from 1/3 of the population. And only a fraction of that comes back to their area.
I've noticed a bit more signs out lately and petition signup areas. Just wondering what others think about this. http://www.stgeorgelouisiana.com/
Good vid: [media]
Cry me a river
What a stupid thread. "UHHHHH believe what I say because I say it.. My source is the bomb". STFU
Ok I got through on the exchange. However after entering my wife and children's information it will only let me select individual coverage which...
Interesting. Might be a few fun small plays here.
Totally subjective. It's a personal choice.
I think TSLA is a good bet for the short term. I emailed my guy last week about it.
WTF [media]
Rs and Ds are essentially the same. Put them all out..
Obama said yesterday he was sorry. What a failure.