We don't need any of those things.
Yah! Let's help the govt. take more money they didn't earn and then turn around and give it overseas in the name of "foreign relations".
So what is it exactly that they have done for US?
With the money we give them..
I've always been baffled as to why most people have a love-affair with Israel that isn't religion based. So I'm trying to find out what exactly...
You either: A. Stay the F out of there or B. Blow them all to hell and get it over with
Cheney needs to sit down and STFU.
Waste of Lives and Money. What a shame.
I could really careless if the guy is immoral. If it bothers those around him then stop working for or lining his pockets. This whole ordeal...
Jindal is an idiot.
I'm so glad the govt. could produce a "huge" inoperable website for $100M+
Got my sig m400 not too long ago. Love it.
What's another billion. Fire up the printing machines again. The Govt. is a sham and we are all getting bamboozled.
Who is provoking who..
Once again who gives a shit. Why don't we just waste a few more billion in business that doesn't have dick to do with us.
Maybe we should just label Ukraine and Russia as terrorists so the sheep can get behind Obama.
Who gives a shit what Russia and Ukraine do. Let them waste time and money.
I've been with a concierge doc for 2+ years now. Love it.
That's too easy and doesn't correct the problem.
And those voted in are looking after you.. ha