Dare I say it?
Here we go
Jesus christ
1 more drink
Don't say anything bad about miles. He won in the past.
I smell a coup
I bet we run this entire series
Sip sip
Bahahaha the booze just kicked in!
That is such bullshit. THEY have NOTHING to threaten us with. Now or ever.
They are no different than any other country we give money too. Savages. When will we finally understand that we won't understand them. And I...
I just don't get this whole ISIS talk at all. Why exactly are we scared of them? They are nothing. No military no money no nada. Just a small...
His foreign policy is about the only thing I like about him.
I'm wearing you down old man.
Kucinich says it nicely: http://www.cleveland.com/open/index.ssf/2014/09/ex_rep_dennis_kucinich_calls_f.html
If you don't like it don't look at it.
Obviously you guys don't plan on being in Houston.
It's not looking pretty at all. 80% Rain Sat/Sun 20% Cyclone formation UGH http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/
I'll be flying in Friday. Can't wait.
Economic trade trumps your old dog mentality. It's pointless to buy "influence" and have military bases everywhere if you do nothing with it....