Have to agree there o doesn't like no.
Thanks for the trophy points
Definitely upgrade with o.
Goodness that's scary
Tiger Droppings?
Defintely better than jennings would be a upgrade.
probably first.
personally brick was a good coach but lsu needs motivation and coach o will bring that can you imagine the big cat drills now?
it's still les miles and having no quaterback ability will bite this team again.
only problem with that is how many that voted for lsu is actually coming here?
Miles will frick it up and lose another 5 games.
how many nattys cathy.
elmer fudd miles is going to run lsu in the ground and alleva will be with him. by the way i voted for shoop.
it's all over on tiger rant. Advocate reporting Brick is in consideration as DC, "cooled" on CP
pendergrast is out
so if it wasn't miles fault then who was it then?
thanks for the info but i think it's a jj situation again.