like black eye peas give me gas cabbage really sucks at store super one fricked that up but im in.
all but alabama nope
me too
:( bama sucks
feel the bern 2016
me thinks your right feel the bern
they are scared need a sacred cow
yep i agree do you post on tiger droppings
feel the bern
les miles crutch and butt buddy
miles is lost in the dark ages he won't change
Feel the Bern!!! Bernie 2016!!!
miles is a dinosaur living in the computer age he won't change lsu will be a door mat for other teams. Feel the Bern!!! Bernie 2016!!!
another boring les miles offense another what if year
yep got kicked from tiger rant because i made comments about miles they cant stand the truth miles is senile
Coach, Here I am again trying to figure how do ya'll coach. With a man on third base and no outs they walk two man to load the bases and you have...
my answer really look at cpm's stats in big games he loses and as far as his decisions really looks like a deer in head lights the man can't coach...
Another disappointing baseball season thanks pulmonary