well tiger faithful fought for him so crash and burn with him
Feel the Bern!!! Bernie 2016!!!
I quit smoking love vaping smoke free 2 years can actually smell again, don't get into big clouds of smoke kinda off expensive but works nicoderm...
cuz jennings is a joke Feel the Bern!!! Bernie 2016!!!
yep good kid damn strong team buma is lucky they don't play them? Feel the Bern!!! Bernie 2016!!!
well the dinosaur will frick that up he will lose 3 games again alabuma ark-kansas and ole piss Feel the Bern!!! Bernie 2016!!!
miles is a dinosaur he will frick up the season cut your losses lsu fire the idoit.
i smoke now medical you know lol.
have 10 5 are glocks
took some time off new job been busy but miles im back.
feel the bern
then fire cam and miles but the ole diehard miles lovers cried like babies well you got your wish ole t-rex miles is back.
the whole problem is politics in football don't mix get the ass clowns out miles alleva f king bdp promote frank wilson get rid of cammy cam bring...
I would trade everything for saban and send miles packing wake up people dinosaurs are extinct.
wow it's about time and who put f king in power fricking jindal.
right on feel the bern
well number one class possible same boring offense same ole dinosaur head coach see any improvement no im off the miles band wagon.
you notice that miles is the problem but everybody blames alleva yes alleva is stupid but miles he is just plain stupid,and yes he is maxed out he...
miles is a idoit steele is a joke alleva is stupid see a trend.