Don't really need to give you a call I guess. Just was being nice. Hope all is well with you and your family. How is Echo? btw, just...
Nothing gets by you. You are just too smart for moi. How is it going with you Okie? I need to give you a call. I'm great! Boo is great!
I am for Obama because such as Oprah is for Obama. I personally believe Oprah is a very wise and rich ass black woman that has done a lot of...
Tonight sucked. Had a can of Wolf Brand Chili no beans.
Sure I'd like to be a CEO of some Oil or Energy Company. However, for pure fun. I'd love to be a modern day Jacques Cousteau out at sea...
If Tiger loses, I will be happy. His losing streak has already begun with the last tournament he played. As far as man tits, Mickelson, I...
Stupid me accidentally shot a hole through my wall last night with my 9mm. I've done some dumb things in my life, but that has to be the dumbest...
the HK USP compact .45 is a pistol that I was considering. Is it double action only? I don't want a double action only pistol. I want a...
I'm in the market for a .45 ACP semi automatic pistol. I have two 9mm Berettas. One is a 92SB Compact. The other is a 8000F Cougar. I...
Pierce Bronsan (sucky James Bond)
Tony Hawk btw, I wonder how many repeats are in this entire thread?
Tony Larussa
Daniel Day Lewis
Dan Blocker - Hoss on Bonanza
I really enjoyed Wyatt Earp. You can't really compare Wyatt Earp with Tombstone. Wyatt Earp is basically a biography flick about Wyatt Earp....
Ankle Biters........a low budget horror movie about midget vampires. It was hilarious. Don't know how much it cost to film, but I'm sure it...
Come on, be happy for us.
After a tour of the Ford Center and a presentation from Oklahoma City and state officials, Stern said Tuesday a subcommittee of three NBA owners...
Pork Ribs Brisket Hot Links BBQ Beans Potato Salad
more Historical Inaccuracies of the Movie Tombstone * The cowboys didn't shoot at the Earp wives or shoot anyone's wife. In the film,...