Maybe he cheated, maybe he didn't. None of us will never know. My suspicion was that, since McCain does nothing but these town hall style...
Interesting story that I have not seen, thank you for posting. Speaking of family values, this story is getting a lot of play today on the talk...
Great thread, really made me think. I come from the right, and I find Politico to be pretty fair. I noticed someone thought they leaned left,...
Ouch, never saw that one before. I actually have this book at home. I'm going to read the context before I jump in with claws out :)...
I don't know why you are trying to convince me to not like McCain. I agree with everything you say here, and did from the onset. Honestly,...
I read one of Obama's own books, where he talks about his affinity for Reverend Wright and his new found belief in the "black value system"....
This is a thread about Obama, so I was sticking with the subject. Start one about McCain, and I'll have plenty to complain about (amnesty for...
Red, I never said there was a smoking gun. For some of us, this is just one of a string of Obama's associations that does not pass the smell...
I don't think Republicans are the only people that work and have money, I was referring to the exceptions with my Obama supporter argument. Full...
He is referring to Bill Ayers as one example. Here is the money:...
Red, I was not mud-slinging, simply pointing out facts about Obama's associations. He does not have a long enough record to examine, so you must...
Holy Crap I laughed out loud and scared the girl in the next office on that one. Red, I'll bite on that comment. While I'll admit that I will...
I have a question for you Red. I'm not being snippy or trying to poke you here, I just want your opinion. Would you uneasy and/or suspcious if...
Flat head screws. Hate em, hate em, hate em.
What a great video! I love the Champ vs. Champ tagline. Is this a first, has the 2 defending champs ever faced off the next year before?
Once again, we are on the same page.
Red, I understood your points, but not where you were coming from, which is why I asked. I did not think neither you nor lsu-i-like were...
I can check it off my list, today at 4:04 EST, I learned something new. Now I don't have to learn anything else the rest of the day :)