And this is why I never shared your opposition to Trump. It is really simple. A) I really don't know what Trump did or said, or why .... other...
Globalist French President Macron Tries to Sneak Digital Early Voting Machines into French Election in Dead of Night, Slammed by Senate...France...
Also covered here ... BREAKING UPDATE: Kamala Harris Was Not Informed Prior To Syrian Airstrike, Is Reportedly ' Very Upset About Being Left Out...
I think GA is a solid red as well. ..
I was late to the thread ... but I was going to say, all new computers come with the backup disk already installed on the computer. NOW ......
App ... I find it so amazing that this guy, Mr Global Warming, had to do back bends to come to the conclusion that Nuclear is the answer to power....
But some are more prone to be passionate about their perceptions to the point that they omit pertinent data. For example. TG .. was passionate...
That applies to a lot of situations.
Could be. But not necessarily.
Ummmm.... I don't agree. He argues objective points from an emotional perspective. That is the definition of a leftists. Just like this...
Yup .... The Canucks are more than happy to see the Goof Ball in Charge kill our economy, so they can keep using coal and gas.
OR .. we could just bring back coal for electric generation, and say screw the global warming wing nuts.
OK ... farewell .... one parting word of advice. Perfectly fine to bring info to the table .... not perfectly fine to expect everyone to embrace it.
As noted in one of the links I posted, its a combination of Texas plus Windmills. In Canada, and North Dakota, where they get sub zero temps...
It's pretty straight forward for those of us who know electricity. The Grid is maintained based on MW supply and demand at 60hz. If the demand...
[PRE NOTE ... Try READING this post instead of trying to argue with it, as it is loaded with data and shit you have not considered (and may not...
Here's some more data. ... I don't give a shists if TG thinks wind "outperformed itself" .. it failed miserably. [IMG]
Dude .. you are one to be talking about spin. You keep trying to spin everything about this case. You keep trying to convince us that wind is...
So ... according to Dan Woofdin and CBS News ... Wind was no problem at all .... According to the DATA ... wind failed miserably. And that wind...
Didn't get it from ZeroHedge ... so suck it!!