Now that right thare is funny .. I don't care who your are!
Again .. why would you say that?? [IMG] The GOP won house seats in the last election. Unlike POTUS and Senate seats, House seats are little less...
Why would you say that?
I"ll be satisfied that at least it was evaluated.
At LAST ... someone in AZ, the GOP Senate, is going to actually AUDIT the fricken ballots. Audit in Arizona of the 2020 Election Results Is...
Not that I disagree with you ... but the issue is not about mask, but more about respecting other people. If a store owner request you wear a...
You must be talking about the fruit.
It's really all just wrapped up in Critical Thinking!! A requirement of critical thinking is to actually know enough about the topic to ask...
I just say ... bring on the civil war. Let's get it over with. This death by a thousand cuts is making the powder keg bigger each day.
Roy could play anything good.
I'd have to go with Chet Atkins. ... though Andres Segovia is listed as the greatest guitarists of all time. Though come to think of it, ... you...
Time to manufacture something to take the spotlight off Cuomo. Too bad Twitter banned Trump .. they would have easily been able to distract...
So .. think about what you just said. "Limited to power plants"! Nuclear is the perfect solution for the power grid, and then convert all the...
I'm guessing #40 must have been a lap behind or something ... as it is clear he's ahead of of both.
Darth Cheney